If you are trying to figure out where to start on your spiritual journey, may I suggest you follow along as we learn about our Chakras; the foundation of understanding our energy. We are starting with the Root Chakra and will dive even deeper than the easy-to-follow guide found in the Muladhara Root Chakra - Spiritual Box, to cover everything you need to know about opening your Root Chakra. We will cover meditation, yoga poses, bija toning & aromatherapy for opening your Root Chakra.
"I do want to set one fact straight with you right away; spiritually cleansing, with or without the use of herbs is not an act of cultural appropriation, and has been practiced by almost every culture and religion around the globe. As an indigenous Canadian, I have been taught by my elders that it is our responsibility to share our medicine and healings. The medicine and teachings belong to no one and should be shared with everyone."
- Kelsie Young Owner, Indigenous Artist & Spirit Talker Dream Webs - Dreamcatchers & House Blessing